Decorative Paints CEBOS SILKY Finish acrylic, washable, with delicate hues of silk and soft to the touch... 8000010961164 €23.00 CEBOSI SILKY Add to cart
STUCCHI Stucco in pasta kg.20, buon potere adesivo e riempitivo. Speciale per rasature murali... 8000004061160 €6.90 Add to cart
Supplies Towel copritutto multipurpose polyethylene 4x4 mt.16 8000015161163 €1.00 Towel Copritutto 4x4 Add to cart
Equipment Cutter rubberized Professional with a jog wheel and a steel blade H Blade 18mm 8000015361167 €1.70 CUTTER MM. 18 ANTI-SLIP Add to cart
IDROPITTURE SUPERLAVABILI Pittura Lavabile per interni ed esterni Lt.14 ad altissima copertura con eccellente... 8000000000705 €14.01 Washable paint with very high coverage Add to cart
Decorative Paints CEBOS STYLE ANTIQUE Metallic Finish acrylic interior water-external, machine, masking... 8034115274140 €24.40 Cebostyle Antique Silver Add to cart