Painting matte background, petrifying wood and walls. Cementite
painting, opaque to the bottom of petrifying wood and walls.
NEW WOOD: fill in with putty any cracks in the wood or the valleys. Such hardening has happened to sand
and the impregnation of the wood with one hand to brush OPACUS. After 6-12 hours, sand the surface and apply one or more coats of
OPACUS diluted as recommended, break the sanding. Obtained the degree of filling sand with
fine cards and apply two or more coats of enamel finish.
VARNISHED WOOD: If the paint pre-existing are in a very bad condition, remove with ns. strippers and proceed
as on new wood. Otherwise removed before the coating of dirt by washing with water and detergent,
rinse, by sanding between to the bottom, remove dust and apply a coat of OPACUS, which filler, and
adhesion layer. Sand finely and proceed with the enamel finish.
OTHER MATERIALS ( masonite, hardboard, plaster, and gypsum) : to behave as described above for wood.
Work in well ventilated areas while wearing proper means of individual protection (mask). Operation
sanding, welding, removing, burning off old paint, may generate dust and/or hazardous fumes.
Limit value EU VOC directive (2004/42/CE) for these products (cat. A/g, type BS) :350 g/l (2010).
This product contains a maximum of 350 g/l VOC.